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Validate The Checkout

Before you let the user checkout you have the option to validate the checkout.

🤓 Take note

A checkout must been created with the get method before you can validate the checkout. Otherwise the validation will due to the lack of payment and shipping options.

Overview of the validation process

  • Stock values are checked to ensure that the customer can checkout the items in the cart.
  • If customers have been blacklisted validation will fail to prevent fraud or other malicious activities.
  • Payment and shipping options are checked to ensure that the customer has selected a payment and shipping option.
  • If the customer has not filled in the required fields the validation will fail.

💡 Tip

Validation is optional since checkout will validate the checkout before creating the order. But for a better user experience it is recommended to validate the checkout before creating the order especially if you have a custom checkout flow or are uncertain about the stock levels due to high demand.


The validate options are the same as the options required to create an order. The options are as follows:

type CreateOrderOptions = {
  cartId: string;
  checkoutOptions: CheckoutInputType;

Return Object

The return object is a ValidateOrderCreationResponseType which contains all the necessary information for the checkout process. The ValidateOrderCreationResponseType is as looks below:

type ValidateOrderCreationResponseType = {
  isValid?: boolean;
  message?: string;
  customerGroup?: string;
  • isValid - A boolean value indicating if the checkout is valid or not.
  • message - A message indicating why the checkout is not valid.
  • customerGroup - The customer group of the customer that is checking out. Not always present in the response.
📖 Message will contain one of the following messages if the checkout is not valid
  • Customer is blacklisted
  • Insufficient stock amount
  • No cart was found with the ID <{cartId}>
  • First name is required
  • Last name is required
  • Address is required
  • City is required
  • Zip is required
  • Invalid Billing Country
  • Invalid Shipping Country
  • Payment must be selected
  • Shipping must be selected


const myCheckoutOptions = getCheckoutOptions();
const validationResult = await geinsOMS.checkout.validate({
  cartId: 'cart-id',
  checkoutOptions: myCheckoutOptions,

if (validationResult.isValid) {
  console.log('Checkout is valid');
} else {
  console.error('Checkout validation failed:', validationResult.message);
  throw new Error(validationResult.message);

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