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Once a user is authenticated, the @geins/crm package provides a JWT token that attaches to the request headers for API calls. This tokens validation depends on the remeber me option. If the user selects the remember me option, the token will be valid for 30 days. Otherwise, the token will be valid for 1 hour.

User Login

To log in a user:

const credentials = {
  username: '',
  password: 'password123',
  rememberUser: true, // Set to true for extended session

const loginResult = await geinsCRM.auth.login(credentials);

if (loginResult?.succeeded) {
  console.log('Login successful');
  // Handle successful login (e.g., redirect to dashboard)
} else {
  console.error('Login failed');
  // Handle login failure

User Logout

To log out a user:

await geinsCRM.auth.logout();
console.log('User logged out');

Token Refresh

To refresh the authentication token:

const refreshResult = await geinsCRM.auth.refresh();

if (refreshResult?.succeeded) {
  console.log('Token refreshed successfully');
} else {
  console.error('Token refresh failed');
  // Handle refresh failure (e.g., redirect to login page)

Register New User

To register a new user:

const newUserCredentials = {
  username: '',
  password: 'password123',

const userInfo = {
  newsletter: false,
  customerType: GeinsCustomerType.PersonType,

const registerResult = await geinsCRM.user.create(newUserCredentials, userInfo);

if (registerResult?.succeeded) {
  console.log('User registered successfully');
} else {
  console.error('Failed to register user');

Check Authorization

To check if the current user is authorized:

const isAuthorized = await geinsCRM.auth.authorized();

if (isAuthorized) {
  console.log('User is authorized');
} else {
  console.log('User is not authorized');

Refresh token

The GeinsCRM class automatically manages authentication tokens using cookies. After successful login or token refresh, the necessary cookies are set. You don't need to manually handle token storage in most cases.

User token

The user token is used to authenticate the user and is stored in the user's browser cookies. It is used to authenticate the user when the user is logged in through the and in all calls to the Merchant API.


Here's an example of error handling in authentication:

try {
  const loginResult = await geinsCRM.auth.login(credentials);
  // Handle result
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Authentication error:', error);
  // Handle error (e.g., show error message to user)

Remember to handle authentication failures gracefully in your application, such as redirecting to a login page or showing appropriate error messages to the user.

The @geins/crm package uses cookies to store the JWT token. The package uses the js-cookie package to manage cookies. The following cookies are used:

geins-authjwt token to use with the merchant api
geins-user-typetype of user
geins-auth-refresh-tokenrefresh-token used by auth api
geins-user-maxagemax age of cookies

Released under the MIT License.